Yesterday started normal, didn't want to get up, had to deal with the little monster a couple of times through the night and even though I'm working hard on having her sleep in her own bed, sometimes at night it's just too much. So I gave in. By the time I was ready to leave for school I had almost talked myself out so I could add a couple more hours of sleep onto the 4 I actually got. But, I thought I did the right thing and went. (I like to think my subconsious was telling me not to go out today).
I pulled up to my daughters daycare about 3 miles from home, a silver PT Cruiser pulled in after me with three passangers. Female driver, male passanger and a male backseat passanger. Not a bad thought crossed my mind. I got out of my car (car running still) and got my daughter out. I walked the 20 feet to the glass doors to the main office of the daycare. I signed her in and turned around to walk out. (That process took all of 90 seconds AT THE MOST!! The furthest I walked from the car was 30 feet. All that seperated me from outside was the glass doors.) As I opened the door. A nasty looking guy about 20 with a beanie and dark curly hair ( I think) was getting out of the back seat of my car. New purple purse in hand. (this whole part is blurred) It hit me what was happening and I yelled at him to stop, because in my head people should do what they are freaking told to do! Needless to say he didn't stop. So I decided to insert myself behind the silver PT Cruiser. Again, I said a female was driving I don't remember much about what she looks like, I'm pretty sure she has light brown to blonde hair she looked like average height and may have had her hair up. The stupid heartless and obvious BITCH (Sorry, this woman in this incidence makes me most mad) that was driving backs up. I didn't really think that she wouldn't but seriously, you're going to run me over?? Over 15 dollars in my purse?! That's all you're going to get out of it. 15 bucks you stupid bitch. By the time she stopped backing up her car hit my leg, I'm not hurt physically. So they took off. I tried to get a license plate number (I've seen all the shows) but it was a date, like they just got the car and were waiting for their plates to come, everything happened so fast with the realization that I wouldn't get a plate number that I couldn't focus in on the date in place of the plate. I went hysterical. Called the cops on my cell (good freaking thing that was in my pocket, just bought the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, that review will be in a different post) a teacher at the daycare witnessed that dumb lady trying to kill me (I know that's only in my head) She called the cops and handed me the phone. So picture this, trying to talk to 911 on one phone when the Police Department is on the other. Both people are telling me to hang up with the other person and the guy from 911 started being a jerk! I just got robbed dude, I'm not happy, I'm pissed, I'm in shock, you have no right to be yelling at me and getting an attitude. So I hung up on him. Other than filing a police report nothing else happened, so I went home.
I got a call from my Doctors office saying that a Grocery Store found my purse, nothing was in it that might have been in it that had in value. Basically, everything important was missing. So.. My wallet. (Thankfully I had just pulled my camera and old, still working, in good condition iPhone out last night when I did a deap clean of the purse). They called my doctors office because they found a prescription in my purse.
I called the store to see if it was there. It was. The lady in customer service proceeded to tell me a story about how the purse came in. A woman found it when she got off of the bus. It was in a snowy bank off of the road. She picked it up to look in it and found there was no ID so she started walking into the store that was close to the bus stop. The woman was stopped by another woman at the stop claiming the purse was hers (I'm thinking this woman didn't know it was there and wanted to see if there was anything of value in there) So the kind woman gave it to the greedy woman and the kind woman continued into the store. On her way back to the bus stop she found the purse again in the snowy bank off of the road and kindly took it back inside. And then I got the call.
The biggest pain about this situation is they got $15!!! I hope they had a great lunch because my cards were cancelled directly after. They hadn't even attempted anything. Still haven't. All of my card said there is an alert on my account if anything is attempted. So with not having any cards I can't buy food. I planned on going grocery shopping and I can't. I can't get any money out of the bank because I need an ID. I don't have an ID because it was in my wallet. I can't get a new ID because I need $18 for a replacement. And then again, I can't get the $18 because I have no cards for 1-2 weeks!!!! My situtation didn't quilify for any kind of emergancy card. So when this take is gone.. it's gone until I have cards. When my food is gone. It's gone.
First of all. YOU ROBBED ME AT A DAYCARE YOU HEARTLESS, SOULESS P.O.S. You know the kind of Karma that's going to come bite you in the butt?? You didn't put someone completely out that you had no knowledge of. You put someone you KNOW has a kid out. The stupid guy climbed over my daughters car seat. They watched me get out of the car with my daughter. For heavens sake it happened outside of a daycare with 10 other kids inside. You almost ran over a single mother. You put less food in my daughters mouth. You didn't hurt me at all. You really didn't even steal from me because I can get by. I can wait. You arrogant assholes stole from a 2 year old. You three individuals are truly amazing. How ugly you are inside, I will never be able to comprehend. So agian, I hope you had a fantastic lunch. I hope to God you aren't robbed outside of your childs daycare.
Truthfully the only thing I want is mostly for the woman to be caught and to realize how insanely demented she is.
Other than that.. I'm fine. You did not damage to me. You just looked really stupid.
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